Who you choose to represent you in a DUI case is a very important decision. This is a life-changing event, with many things on the line. So don’t just take anybody. Take the time to interview several St. Augustine DUI attorneys. And when you do, ask them these questions. 

What percentage of your cases are DUI cases?

Is it you that will defend me or will it mostly be someone else on your team?

How long have you practiced in this area and how well do you personally know the prosecutors and judges?

Do you try to win cases in trial, or do you mostly just manage plea deals?

What do you think you’re best at; getting charges dropped, getting charges reduced, getting lighter sentences?

What factors do you use to decide how to best handle my case?

Do you have experts you use to help challenge breathalyzer and blood tests?

Am I going to be able to get in touch with you whenever I need to? What are you most responsive to, phone, text or email? 

Are you willing to honestly give me bad news?

Based on what you’ve heard me tell you, what’s the most likely probable outcome? And what’s the worst I’m looking at?

Do you get annoyed if you recommend a course of action but your client wants to do something else?

Can you help me deal with things like keeping my job, helping get my license back, finding a good DUI school, and getting my community service done?

How long before all this is handled and I can completely put it behind me?

Have you ever been in any kind of trouble like sanctions or malpractice suits?

What do you need from me to be successful?

Do you charge a retainer or flat fee or hourly? How do I know the hours I’m paying for are being fully dedicated to my case? Are there any costs outside of your fees? What payment plans do you have?

Can you show me any thank you notes or emails from past clients?

As you’re walking away from your interview with your potential St. John’s County DUI lawyer, it’s time to ask yourself some questions as well.

Do I feel like I had their undivided attention and they were listening to me?

Did they take their time with me?

Did I understand everything they said?

Do I feel I feel like they’re willing to fight for me?

Did they seem confident without being falsely cocky?

Can I afford them?

Was I comfortable in there?

The last thing you want to do is choose a St. Augustine DUI lawyer hastily or carelessly and find out later it’s not a good fit. Lawyers are too expensive, going through a DUI is too stressful as it is, and there’s just too much on the line to risk that. So take this list of questions in with you, talk to two or three different candidates, and make your choice BEFORE you need your lawyer. Until then, at least keep the name and number of Shoemaker Law in your phone. 904-872-SHOE.  

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