
The Long-Lasting Stigma of a DUI

Sadly, the legal issues you’re facing if charged with a DUI are only part of what you’ll have to deal with. Be prepared for the larger impacts it could have on your life. Sometimes, we get asked if having a St. Augustine DUI attorney is really necessary if the case...

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Can You Beat a Breathalyzer Test?

“Exhale. Keep exhaling until I tell you to stop. Congratulations, you blew it.” For as long as people have been drinking and driving and combining those two activities to varying degrees, there have been strategies and myths to “beat” law enforcement’s roadside...

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16 Ways to Help Your DUI Lawyer Defend You

You’ll find a million articles about what a good DUI attorney can do for you. But there are things you need to do to help them as well.  Many people who have been arrested for DUI err on one side or the other of this equation. Either they count on their St. Augustine...

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